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October 13, 2011

algoriddim Updates Award-Winning djay Apps for iOS 5

djay for iOS 5 Features iCloud Integration and Professional Audio FX, Making Digital DJing Across Apple Devices Easier Than Ever

Munich, Germany – October 13, 2011: algoriddim (, makers of djay Apps for Mac and iOS devices, today announced significant enhancements to its already feature-rich djay App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch to take advantage of the newly released features of iOS 5. With this update, djay Apps now feature professional audio FX, integrated iCloud capabilities, enhanced music library features and the ability to include sounds from other music apps using the audio cut and paste feature. The updates ensure that djay remains without peer among apps for both professional DJs and music enthusiasts, making sure that anyone with these two turntables on any iOS or Mac device will be the life of the party.

New iOS 5 additions to djay include:

  • iCloud Integration: All of a user’s per-song settings created in djay on one device are instantly available on their other devices running djay on iOS 5. For example, song start points and other metadata generated while using djay on an iPhone will be readily available when performing live with an iPad (and vice-versa).
  • Professional Audio FX: The new versions of djay introduce a host of professional real-time audio effects, available via three FX control panes for different mixing styles: an easy to use one-touch panel for instant FX, a custom pane for more advanced users that provides fine control over various parameters, and a highly innovative 2D touch interface that gives users the ability to adjust parameters and the filter simultaneously with a simple swipe of the finger. FX include:
    • Bit Crusher
    • Echo
    • Filter (High Pass, Low Pass)
    • Flanger
    • Gate
    • Phaser
  • Enhanced AirPlay Integration: Leveraging new possibilities in iOS 5 to create a more immersive listening experience, djay transmits information about the current track, such as artist, title, and artwork, as part of the content delivered over AirPlay. In addition, this information is also displayed on the device’s lock screen
  • Audio Copy/Paste: Enables loading sounds created in other music apps onto djay’s turntables, giving users new creative possibilities to integrate their own sounds into the mix
  • Sort Features: Users can now sort their iTunes library by BPM, providing quick access to songs with a similar tempo range

These additional features supply even more professional-level options to djay, whose slick and realistic dual-turntable interface enables users to make live mixes and recordings by tapping a few buttons. The app transforms iPad, iPhone or iPod touch into a dynamic and portable DJ system touting easy-to-use features such as Automix mode, direct access to iTunes music library and touchscreen scratching.

“iOS 5 has given our team the ability to develop an even more immersive, power-packed, and professional quality DJ app, leading the way to new advancements in digital DJ technology,” said Karim Morsy, CEO of algoriddim. “With the addition of iCloud integration and audio FX, djay remains, unquestionably, the most advanced DJ app on the market. Our dedication to user experience ensures that music lovers of all levels can pick up djay and start mixing in just moments.”

The game-changing updates to djay come on the heels of algoriddim’s recent collaboration with super star DJ and producer David Guetta. djay – David Guetta Edition, which includes all the above new features and iOS 5 enhancements, provides users an integrated David Guetta sampler and drum pad to incorporate the DJ’s signature sounds into their own mix masterpieces. In addition, the app includes five of Guetta’s electro tracks from the expanded version of his new album Nothing but the Beat; Lunar, Little Bad Girl Instrumental, Sunshine, Glasgow, and Paris.

Pricing & Availability
The djay for iPad App ($19.99), the djay for iPhone App ($0.99), and djay – David Guetta Edition (iPhone, $7.99) are available from App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, or at For more information on any of algoriddim’s award-winning products, please visit

About algoriddim
algoriddim is a Germany-based software company specializing in cutting-edge audio and multimedia applications for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Its mission is to develop software that is intuitive and user-friendly, yet offers the quality and power of professional level software. With its flagship product djay, winner of Apple Design Award for djay for iPad, algoriddim is now serving a broad international audience of music lovers, professional DJs and world-class musicians. To learn more about algoriddim, please visit, and

Frederik Seiffert

Press Contact U.S.
Kristin Amico
Matter Communications
(401) 351-9504


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